Is It Good To Take a Pre-workout Supplement?

A good pre-workout supplement has the potential to bridge the gaps in your current workout routine. This Alpha generation is incredibly dedicated to their fitness goals, often judging a book by its cover. As a result, physical fitness plays a vital role in their lives. Gym workouts or any other form of exercise have become a standard part of their health regimen. For many, these workouts are akin to religion, performed with unwavering dedication and passion to maximize their benefits. One component increasingly recognized for its importance in gym routines is the use of pre workout supplements

What Is A Pre-workout Supplement? 

Pre-workout supplements are like high-tech helpers for your workout. They are much more than energy boosters. They’re designed to boost different parts of your exercise routine. The global pre-workout supplement market has been experiencing significant growth, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 9% from 2021 to 2026, according to market research reports. 

This popularity of pre-workout supplements is supported by some superb benefits of pre-workouts, which include: 

Tailored Nutrition: Many pre-workout supplements now offer different formulations to cater to specific fitness goals. For example, supplements designed for strength and muscle building may contain ingredients like creatine and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). At the same time, one aimed at endurance might include citrulline malate and beta-alanine to delay muscle fatigue. Depending upon your fitness goal, you can opt for a pre-workout with a suitable ingredient set. 

Boosting Metabolism: Research has shown that ingredients like green tea extract and capsaicin (found in chili peppers) have thermogenic properties. It is a property that boosts metabolism and aids in fat burning. These compounds are commonly found in popular pre-workout supplements like IN2 pre-workout.

Staying Hydrated: Dehydration is an expected outcome of every workout. It is a sensible thing to choose an electrolyte-rich pre workout supplement that helps maintain electrolyte balance and prevent dehydration, especially during intense workouts. Brands like IN2 have an edge over the other pre-workout formulations for including sodium in their composition. The sodium helps regulate the body’s fluid balance by retaining water. It helps maintain adequate hydration to prevent dehydration during exercise, especially in intense or prolonged workouts. 

Healthy Gut: Emerging studies suggest that the latest version of pre-workouts has certain prebiotic fibers and probiotics found to influence gut health positively. Go with a pre-workout with gut-friendly ingredients to support nutrient absorption and reduce inflammation.

New Ingredients: For athletes, a pre-workout with the ingredient Alpha-GPC (Alpha-glycerophosphocholine) is gaining popularity due to its potential cognitive and performance-enhancing benefits. Alpha-GPC is a natural compound that is structurally similar to choline, a nutrient that plays a crucial role in brain health and function. Here’s why Alpha-GPC is a well-researched and a favored ingredient in pre-workout supplements for athletes for the following reasons: 

  • Enhanced Cognitive Function
  • Mind-Muscle Connection
  • Increased Power Output
  • Reduced Mental Fatigue
  • Post-Exercise Recovery
  • Neuroprotective Properties
  • Minimal Side Effects

It’s now a key ingredient in some pre-workout formulations. So go ahead to pick a pre-workout with this as an enhanced ingredient. 

Green and Clean: Do some market research and choose a pre-workout that sources organic ingredients, uses eco-friendly packaging, and promotes transparent supply chain practices. It gives a boost to the growing eco-consciousness of consumers.

Proven by Science: Major supplement manufacturers such as IN2 Nutrition invest in clinical research to support their product claims. It has been the subject of several scientific studies validating its efficacy in enhancing exercise performance. 

These points definitely prove that taking a pre-workout is a brilliant thing to do with excellent benefits, but there are two sides to the same coin. It is essential to see the other side, too. 

Can Pre-workouts Be Consumed Daily? 

Using pre-workout supplements daily can be safe if the following points are taken care of: 

  • Choose the Right Product: Select a pre-workout supplement from a reputable brand. Besides the ingredients mentioned above, for better results, make sure it is free from harmful additives or excessive caffeine content.
  • Caffeine Content: Follow the simple rule: for a low-intensity workout, a supplement with lower caffeine content (around 150 mg) may suffice. For high-intensity workouts, opt for a pre-workout with higher caffeine content (up to 300 mg) to help you stay alert and focused.
  • Dosage: Avoid exceeding the recommended dosage, and if in the recommended dosage you experience jitteriness, rapid heart rate, or digestive issues, consider reducing the dosage or frequency of use.
  • Cycle Off Periodically: Take breaks from using pre-workout supplements to reset your body’s response.
  • Dietary Considerations: Remember that pre-workout supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet. 
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels and performs during workouts. If you find that the supplement is not improving your performance, give it a break and reassess its use. 

The bottom line is: “Pre-workouts: Use them wisely, not excessively.”

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Why Do You Need To Work on Strengthening Your Feet for Better Running?

Running is known to be one of the most simple yet most effective workouts so far. Unlike most workouts where you require to spend hours in the gym, just a 15 minutes morning run is enough to help you stay fit and healthy. Most people use running as a warm-up, others make the most out of running by utilizing it as a weight-loss tool. No matter what you choose or how you try to utilize the running, you will see that your feet will need a lot of strength. Whether you’re a beginner who is not into running and struggling to deal with the shooting aches after taking stares, or you are a professional marathon runner spending hours running at a stretch, you need to work on the strength of your legs. People who do not run at all are still using their leg muscles on day to day basis without even realizing it.

It is very important to understand that your whole body plays a role of a unit and if one muscle group is not strong enough, this will impact the performance of the rest of the body as well. Most runners work on their leg muscles without working on their feet. As a result, their feet become painful after just a few minutes of workout. With the help of this article, we will mainly discuss some of the best workouts that will help you work on the strength of your feet. Although leg muscles are very important but our focus will be on the digits, heels, and palm of your feet.

Top 7 Simple Feet Workouts

Leg balance

Leg balance is another very simple workout where you will be using just one leg while your other leg will be in the air. As your lift, your leg makes sure you do not feel the strain. 

Walking On the Heels

This is another workout that will not only train your heel but also your hamstrings. You will be standing on your heels and walking for a few minutes. The ideal time duration is 2 minutes followed by 20 seconds of resting period however, you can adjust accordingly.

Resistance Band Digits Press

For this workout, you will hold a resistance band in your hands. Now press the middle of the band with your feet and stretch it upwards. You will feel a tug somewhere between the heel and the toe. Now keep moving till you reach your toes and then do it again.

Rope Skipping

Rope skipping is a great workout that you can use for training your toes. You will be wearing your joggers so bouncing on your toes will be easier however, do not try to strain your feet too much.

Toe Raise

Toe raise is a very simple workout where you will stand still with your feet apart. Now slowly, lift your body weight on your toes. Do not strain your fee by keeping the bodyweight on your toes for too long. Retain this pose for a few seconds and then try again.

The Foot Spread

For this workout, you need to keep your feet on the cold floor. Try to stretch your digits till you can see the surface of the floor between the fingers. Now hold this stretch for a few seconds and then get back to the initial position. Now repeat.

Heel Ball Curl

Use a simple tennis ball and place it under your feet. Now try to grip the ball by curling your digits and heel around it. Now slowly try to move it toward your feel without touching it. Now move it back towards your toes.

Top 5 Tips to Help You Take Care of Your Feet

  • After a hectic day at work, soak your feet in warm water mixed with an Epsom walk for at least 10 minutes.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that can offer support to your feet.
  • Before going to bed, stretch your feet on a cold surface and try to open your digits with your fingers.
  • Use moisturizer to stretch the skin and support your feet to retain some flexibility. Make sure you are shedding and removing all the dead skin so that it cannot cause pain later.
  • Bouncing exercises, especially rope skipping, helps you use your fingers and work on the strength of your heels.

Bottom Line

To sum it all up, no matter what kind of workout you choose or how much time you spend on the workout, taking care of your feet post-workout is very important. People usually say that soaking the feet in warm water will especially help relieve the pain and there is no doubt it is true. However, you also need to facilitate the overall recovery time with some extra effort. One of the best methods of helping you improve your recovery is warm-up sessions. Another important thing is to stretch your feet every day after you take off the shoes. So far shoes are known to be one of the most important reasons most people face foot related issues so it is better to wear comfortable shoes if you are going to work or for a walk.

What Is Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle And Why You Need To Work On It?

In a human body, there are more or less 600 different muscles. Each muscle has its significance and it hardly works individually. Muscles usually work in the form of muscle groups so if one muscle is helping you pull something, it will have support from the other muscles as well. Even a simple task of moving your face, chewing, or smiling requires more than 40 different facial muscles. In the case of gripping and lifting a bag, you will not only be using your arm muscles but also the muscles of your shoulders, wrists, hands, and back. In short, there are so many different muscle groups that we are not even familiar with. In most cases, people think that within their leg there is just one muscle or when they lift something it is just one muscle that is working. In reality, there are two muscles when you lift something. Both these muscles movements are completely different and opposite to one another and yet they complement the movement of each other.

Similarly, when we talk about leg muscles, we simply say thigh muscles. In real life, there are so many different muscles that collectively make a thigh muscle so your thighs can work properly. With the help of this article, we will mainly highlight the importance and function of the Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle. We will talk about its location and why it is important to train. We will also talk about some simple ways you can work on this muscle.

The Location and Function of Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle

The Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle is a thigh muscle. It is a fusiform muscle that is attached at a lateral position with the thigh. If you look at the gluteal region you will see that along with the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, and gluteus medius you will also see Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle. Since this muscle is located at a very significant part of the body it helps in connecting our hind limb to our body. From the basic rotation of your knee, core, and hip it assists in almost all kinds of movement. In fact, without this muscle, you will not be able to stay still because your knee will lose its stability and balance. Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle helps with walking, running, standing, lifting weight, and even balancing the body weight at a single point. For a buttock workout, you will especially have to focus on this muscle. While working pout, most people forget that you are working on the muscles collectively.

Some of the Best Workouts to Help You Strengthen Your Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle

Since Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle is located in the buttock and thigh region and its main purpose is to stabilize the lower body, especially the knee, thigh, and hip region, most of the lower body exercises involve Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle. It is up to you to choose the exercise that you like, however, there are so many different options to choose from. Some of the simplest Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle workouts have been listed below:

Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle stretch

This is the simplest stretch that will not only help you notice if your Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscles are tight but also you will be able to see if it will impact your movement. You will lay down on your bed and let your legs hang down like you are sitting. Now lift your left leg and pull it closer to the chest till it touches your chest. Keep it there and see if you feel the tension or pain. In case you feel the pain, you might have to start working on your Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle.

Hula-Hoop Stretch

This is a simple stretch that will help you move your hip from left to right. However, if you have a hula-hoop, this workout can turn into a good activity as well. You just have to carry it on for five minutes.

Side Low Hanging Lunge

Most people lift their legs fully on the side to stretch their legs. However with the side low hanging lunge, you will have to get into a side lunge position but instead of lifting your leg, you need to leave it hanging. As you leave it hanging try to touch the floor with the toe and change the position after 30 seconds.

Bottom Line

To sum it all up, you will see a different kind of exercise. You will have combination exercises that will allow you to work on multiple muscles at a time so you do not have to think about the exact location of these muscles. Apart from this, there are isolation exercises that will help you target just one muscle so you can train that muscle only. However, the aim of the workout clearly defines how your workout will eventually impact the way you work. Most people choose combination exercises because it helps burn more calories so they can easily spend less time. Apart from this, while selecting your workout, do not end up overworking because these muscles are sensitive and you will need to know when you are pushing the limits of your body.

7 Workouts That Will Surely Help You to Get Rid of Joint Pain and Stiffness

If you are the one suffering from joint pain, inflammation, and soreness you don’t feel like moving and just want to stay in bed right? But you know what? That’s totally wrong, in fact, you must keep yourself moving. It has also been observed that a physical workout will have a positive impact on your overall body fitness. There’s little drawback to working out, the scientists finished up, and the important advantages of remaining dynamic include better actual capacity, less seriousness of agony in joints and different regions, and upgrades in personal satisfaction.

On the other hand, if you are trying to improve the quality of your life by joining the gym, before getting your gym membership you must get the appropriate gym workout clothes. Elite sports gym workout garments are manufactured with the top quality material and are available at a cheap price too.

So, in today’s blog, I will be discussing several exercises that will help you to get rid of joint pain and stiffness, all you need to do is just stay consistent and keep on reading.


The water is an extraordinary spot to extend your muscles and alleviate your joints, so get into the swimming pool for vigorous exercise. Attempt water strolling or a water high-impact exercise class. Swimming could be a decent decision of activity assuming that you have joint inflammation since it animates blood flow and can diminish muscle firmness and straightforwardness. assists with keeping up with and developing strength and muscular endurance. Whenever you were a child, swimming was the most loved mid-year workout. Presently, it very well might be perhaps the most effective way to keep your more established joints solid. four months of water-based practices in ladies with joint pain prompted huge upgrades in joint and another agony, as well as brought down other illnesses.

Swimming assists control weight and improving depression, and it’s really great for generally speaking wellbeing.


It’s free, you can do it anyplace, and the good thing is, no exceptional preparation is required, and it’s also a low-impact workout. The Arthritis experts say strolling can assist you with keeping a solid weight or getting in shape, bringing about less weight on bones. Moreover, strolling can further develop your heart wellbeing and bone wellbeing too. Walking is also considered the best workout for people suffering from heart disease. So why not start it from today?

Weight lifting.

For individuals suffering from joint disorders, certain joint aggravation triggers can exacerbate side effects. Yet, the more grounded the muscles are, ultimately there will be reduced stress on your joints. the. So don’t fear loads, since they’re an extraordinary method for getting more grounded joints. Research has proved that the combination of various workouts that includes resistance band training, and weight lifting can improve your overall fitness in a remarkable way. So, if you are a beginner in weight lifting you must start lifting with a lighter weight, afterward when you become more trained try to add more weight.

Pilate workout.

Pilates emphasizes having muscle control, providing you a low-sway exercise that ultimately eases the stress on your hips and different joints. Pilates is an amazing exercise to get relieved from pain. Pilates workout helps to stretch your body and this could assist with assuaging touchiness. Extending is remembered to assist with the bloodstream and the conveyance of supplements to your muscles and ligaments. A better course may likewise soothe hurts and firmness.

On the other hand, if you are a newbie in any workout, you must make your workout more interesting and easygoing by purchasing gym outfits that are suitably designed specifically for every type of workout.


Yoga can assist with lubricating your bones up and fortifying your muscles too. Yoga is related to less throbbing painfulness. Individuals with joint agony have demonstrated bound to stay with yoga contrasted with different activities, maybe on the grounds that yoga is also safe and low impact exercise. Yoga is also helpful in maintaining your balance as well as your equilibrium. It’s really helpful in making your joints flexible and also improves your bone functioning.


Cycling is an incredible type of vigorous exercise that is comfortable for your bones. In any case, it accompanies the gamble of falling, so it’s vital to invest in getting the right sort of bicycle for your body. Cycling is an excellent workout for reducing the inflammation and stiffness of your joints. Also, during pedaling your joints get lubricated which ultimately helps to reduce pain.


The ideal extending routine will be different for every individual and rely upon the joints that are impacted. Stretching helps to improve the flexibility of your body and also helps to overcome stiffness. Individuals who are suffering from osteoarthritis must perform stretching because their joints get lubricated due to stretching which helps to relieve stiffness and joint pain too.

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5-Minutes Intense Tabata Workout to Help You Get Rid of Fat Fast

HIIT is rapidly becoming one of the most famous workout routines among people who want to lose weight, build their strength and work on their endurance. So far most people are just familiar with HIIT basic workout that requires you to start with high-intensity workout sprints followed by a small resting period. However, there are so many other variations that most people are not aware of. One of the best and most famous HIIT variations is known as Tabata and so far it has taken the fitness world by storm. There are so many different workout variations where you can use simple cardio-based exercises but design them into different patterns for better output. One of the most famous workout routines is a high-intensity workout routine. People usually feel that it is all about the exercise so they select high-intensity exercises without looking at the workout pattern. Eventually, the workout pattern reduces the impact of the exercise and you do not get the desired results.

With the help of this article, we will look at the main difference between High-intensity interval training and Tabata training. We will then look at five major mistakes that you need to avoid for better workout training. Finally, we will look at a simple 5 minutes Tabata training that you can easily perform at home.

What Is The Difference Between HIIT And Tabata?

Although Tabata is a variation of HIIT, the pattern of adjusting the basic exercise is very different. With High-intensity interval training, you will have a simple workout pattern and your exercise will be divided into intense workout prints followed by a resting period. However, you need to maintain a 4 to 1 ratio so you do not end up taking a long resting time.

On the contrary, Tabata maintains almost the same pattern. However, the ratio is different and the intensity is more. For the Tabata, you will have to maintain a 2 to 1 ratio. For every 2 seconds spent on the intense workout, you will be spending 1 second for rest. Since you will have shorter high-intensity spans followed by short and simple resting sprints, Tabata is a much better workout pattern than HIIT.

Top Five Mistakes to Avoid While Designing A Tabata Workout Pattern

Although most people take professional help when they plan a workout routine, sometimes beginners try to plan their workout on their own. Here are five simple mistakes that you need to avoid for a better Tabata workout plan.

  • Do not exceed the resting and workout ratio otherwise, you will not be able to get desired results
  • Focusing on technique and using full intensity is very important. Most people start with full intensity only to lose motivation and this way they do not get desired results.
  • The majority of people use simple cardio-based exercise without using weight. However, weight doesn’t have to be external only, you can also use your internal body weight.
  • Not helping your body in recovery through diet and rest is one of the main reasons most people do not achieve their desired results.
  • Another important issue is not starting the workout with a warm-up. Without a warm-up, your body will not be able to get favorable results because it will not be able to utilize all the muscles. 

5 Minutes Workout

Start with 20 seconds of rope skipping and make sure you are using your arms properly. Try to secure your grip over the rope and hold it formally. After the 20 seconds of rope, skipping takes 10 seconds of break and the start 20 seconds of lateral step pull. Make sure your technique is good and you are not dragging your leg. If you end up dragging your leg with full intensity, you will feel the pain. After these 20 seconds, the workout takes 10 seconds of rest. Now start with crunches so you can target your abs and core as well. This will take 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Then you need to start with Burpees for 20 seconds followed by resting time. Finally switch to lunges so you can work on opening your leg muscles. Finally, end your workout with 20 seconds of hip external rotation and boat twist. Now after the workout, you need to finish it off by running a sprint on the treadmill for better results.

Bottom Line

 To sum it all up, the fast paced world we live in is damaging our well-being. As a result, we try to utilize all the time we have for material gains. People complain they do not have enough time for the workout so they have to skip the daily dose of exercise. However, with the help of this 5-minute exercise routine, you will be able to save time and still you can get desired results. This is an intense workout so you will be burning a lot of calories however it is better to start with a warm-up routine that will help your body get adjusted and your blood rushing. This will eventually help you to exercise properly without getting injured. With a warm-up session, you will also be able to get a better recovery.